Society İn The Covid-19 Pandemic: Inequalities, Challenges, And Opportunities 
ISBN: 9786257676885 2021 1. Baskı Sağlık Gülçin Kaya İnceiplik, Mevlüt Özben, Ahmet Göçen, Veysel Bozkurt, Temmuz Gönç Şavran, Nadir Suğur, Zülküf Kara, Vehbi Bayhan, Hatice Şahin, Serdar Nerse, Özcan Garan, Emine Yöney, Flávia Andréa Pasqualın, Camila Motta Paıva, I Ketut Ardhana, I Made Damrıyasa, Ida Bagus Wıryanatha, Yekti Maunatı, Made Adi Wıtyadmika, Kadek Oki Sanjaya, Ni Made Putri Arıyantı, Özgür Sayın, Sheikh Javaid Ayub, Waseem Ahmad Bhat, Vahid Nimehchisalem, Kayatri Vasu, Christina Abigail D’cruz, Xiao Xıe, Oksana Kovtun, Vasyl Dudar, Serpil Aytaç, Lidia Lo Schıavo Editör : Hakan Gülerce - Vahid Nimehchisalem - Veysel Bozkurt - Glenn Dawes - Shameem Rafik-Galea
Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık

This book presents a collection of conceptual and research articles related to human communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The chapters in this book examine the modern societies from different perspectives. Our contributors are academics in the area of social sciences who share their COVID-19 Pandemic experiences with us. They come from different parts of the world, including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and Ukraine. The issues addressed in this book include: the relationship between the pandemic and gender, the effect of digitization and social distancing on sociology and philosophical or political ways of thinking, the pandemic and globalization or nationalization, psychosocial effects of the pandemic, adaptation to masks and social distancing, macroeconomic effects of the pandemic, local copying strategies, technology leadership, challenges for disadvantaged groups, educational processes, and assessment practices during the pandemic. The readers will find the book a timely source of useful literature on the social effects of the pandemic.